Dmytro Shushpanov


Based on the peculiarities of legal regulation of the availability and quality of medical goods and services are highlighted and his author’s interpretation is given. The scale of economic, physical and informational accessibility of medical goods and services in Ukraine is determined. In particular, based on official statistics and the results of an author’s sociological survey, sexual-age and territorial (by type of settlement) inequalities in the frequency of referrals for health care workers in case of illness and the main causes of inertia were revealed. It is revealed that the main cause of uncertainty is the difficult material situation, lack of funds for treatment. It is proved that one of the reasons for the poorer health of the rural population is the lower availability of medical goods and services than in urban settlements. Comparison of indicators of staffing and financial provision of the healthcare system in Ukraine and the EU countries is carried out, ways of improving the availability and quality of medical goods and services in Ukraine are outlined.


accessibility of medical supplies and services; accessibility; economic accessibility; information availability; safety and health of the population

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/rarrpsu2018.23.118


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