
The article deals with the urgent and topical topic of activity and support of the elderly in the current conditions in Ukraine. In the context of the expansion of military operations and hybrid warfare, which affect all aspects of public life, special attention is paid to the group of elderly people, who are in the most vulnerable state.

The purpose of the article is to assess and address the problems related to the health and well-being of the elderly during wartime, and to support and protect this vulnerable population through active social responsibility and the development of effective strategies and programs.

The article examines the importance of social responsibility in relation to this population group and explores strategies and programs aimed at ensuring their health and well-being. War creates challenges such as limited access to health care, destroyed infrastructure, and increasing isolation, and requires immediate action to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of older citizens.

The article presents specific examples of successful initiatives and programs that are already being used in Ukraine to support the elderly in wartime conditions. Aspects of organization, financing and implementation of such initiatives to provide the necessary assistance and support to the target audience are considered.


elderly population, health, social responsibility, aging, mortality, Ukraine, war.

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