Oleksandr BRECHKO


Introduction. It has been found that security-related challenges actualize the study of digital transformation processes as attractors of the development of the Ukrainian economy at various levels of
its functioning. Moreover, technological progress and technological digital innovations accelerated by it lay the foundation for inclusive economic growth and sustainable development, in which digital technologies will work to achieve social and environmental goals and at the same time form prerequisites for the competitive development of the economy of Ukraine and its regions.
Goal. The purpose of the article is to develop organizational and scientific approaches to intensifying the use of the potential of digital transformations to support geospatial integrity, post-war recovery and sustainable competitive development of Ukraine's regions.
Research methods. The methods of systematic, logical, structural, comparative analysis, systematization and generalization of data were used.
The results. The study of the process of digital transformations at the regional level showed that they are manifested in the development of digital infrastructure, access to electronic services; egovernance,
which allows to manage local development using digital platforms, digitize the sphere of municipal services, strengthen the participative component in public administration; ensure the development of digital entrepreneurship with relevant digital startups, digital literacy, digital healthcare, digital technologies to optimize the use of resources and create circular industries in the region, etc.
Attention is focused on the fact that digital transformations contribute to attracting investment resources to the development of the region's economy and strengthen its innovative activity, acting as an attractor
of competitive development. In order to ensure the integral development of the region and strengthen its competitive potential, the creation of a digital hub is proposed, which will allow combining the accumulated national digitalization potential with the European integration advantages of the digital space, will become a tool for effective cross-sectoral cooperation of business entities, individual creative developers, security and defense forces, investors, patrons, charitable funds. The proposed model of the digital hub can, in its structure, provide for the creation of digital platforms for the development of cluster defense technologies, which will allow private companies to develop and propose creative security
projects and quickly refine them to meet the needs of the customer.
The study confirmed the fact that the effect of digital transformations, which is traced by the index of digital transformations of regions, is more noticeable in those regions where regional target programs to support digital transformations have been developed.
Conclusions. Digital transformation is an integral component of maintaining integrity, increasing the innovative potential of territories due to the digitization of all sectors and the creation of the latest digital structures of competitive development, strengthening integration initiatives of regions in the European digital space.


digital transformations; development attractor; digital economy; index of digital transformation of regions; digital hub

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