Світлана Прохоровська, Віктор Островерхов


В статті розкрита роль комунікацій як чинника оцінки ефективності бізнесу компаній, охарактеризовані критерії за якими можна оцінювати силу бренда; визначено основні функції комунікаційної системи та її складові; з’ясовано роль бренд-комунікацій в мотивуванні споживачів до певної діяльності; обґрунтовано необхідність розробки комунікаційних програм на підприємствах, які б дозволяли коректно та ефективно пояснювати споживачам переваги бренда і забезпечувати довготермінову взаємодію з ним.


The article stated that a leading role in creating and promoting the employer brand plays a formation of an appropriate system of communication that is able to convey the nature and advantages of the brand target audience. Was studied that Ukrainian companies slowly add brand-oriented management, due to the need for scientifically based, adapted to local conditions approaches to creating brand enterprises and brand-oriented communications.

It is proved that an important factor in creating a brand is to build a communications system that provides reports of necessary information to consumers and it is basis of interaction with consumers.

Was exposed the role of communication as a factor in estimation the effectiveness of business companies, described criteria by which can be assessed the power of the brand; was determined the basic functions of communication system and its components. Was found out the brand messages in the communications system, which represents concepts, ideas, images, colors, symbols, etc., that the company communicates to customers and potential customers to provide product or service of significance.

The important role in brand promoting plays brand-communicators who, through promotional activities should address the following main objectives: to ensure that advertising noticed; to sell branded goods as soon as possible; ensure further sales through positive brand image.

Found out the role of brand communications in motivating consumers to the specific activity; learned the role of brand communicators in promoting the brand. Ground the necessity of developing communications programs for companies, which would allow correctly and effectively explain to consumers the benefits of the brand and ensure long-term cooperation with them.

Ключові слова

бренд; комунікації; бренд-комунікація; роботодавець; підприємство; споживач; торгова марка; цільова аудиторія; brand; communications; brand-communication; employer; enterprise; consumer; trade mark; target audience

Повний текст:



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