
Introduction. In the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Ukrainian labor market was greatly affected by digital transformation. New professions are emerging, new competencies are needed, the landscape of demand and supply on the labor market has changed. In this regard, research devoted to the clarification of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the transformation of the labor market was updated.
Goal. The challenges of the new economy, which affected the field of employment, determined new trends to accelerate changes in the field of digitization, automation and robotization of the labor market.
Methods. The following modern research methods were used to achieve the defined goal and fulfill the outlined tasks: forecasting method - to identify future advantages when using artificial intelligence, digitization in the labor market; the grouping method - for the classification of methods and factors influencing the transformation of the labor market; historical and logical analysis - to reveal the process of formation and development of digital technologies in the labor market; modeling method - for
building digital competences.
An analysis of changes in the labor market under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was carried out. The transformations taking place in the social and labor sphere under the influence of information and communication technologies, network systems, other resources and
institutions of the new digital economy are a complete, comprehensive transformation of values, motivational attitudes, hierarchies, sources of development, the structure of resources, forms and technologies of interaction, forms and scales of employment, level, structure, income differentiation.
Results. Attention is paid to the issue of dependence on the introduction of automation and robotization of production and the reduction of demand for workers with a low level of education and low professional qualifications. It is noted that under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the
main attention will be paid to digital competences in the near future.
It was determined that the development of the digital economy, despite the possible threat of the disappearance of certain professions, can lead to an increase in the level of employment in the country due to the creation of conditions for the emergence of new professions, but on digital platforms.
The impact of digital technologies on changes in employment was analyzed, the most in-demand competencies and skills on the labor market were determined. It is substantiated that the transformation of employment from the point of view of digitalization creates a demand for competencies that will enable specialists to work with complex digital systems, platforms, special equipment, demonstrate analytical skills, emotional intelligence, a high level of IT literacy, apply systems thinking, etc.
Conclusions. The labor market is undergoing significant changes during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes high-tech and digital innovations in the field of information production and processing. Industry 4.0 is defined by the use of advanced production technologies, such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, data analysis, robotics,  lockchain, etc., which significantly affect the digitalization of the labor market. The latter affects the demand for labor, causing changes in certain professions.


automation and robotics; labor market; labor market transformation; labor market digitization; digital competencies; digital technologies

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