economic conditions are key aspects of the effective functioning of the organization during the war. Personnel training metrics determine the effectiveness of the processes of appropriation and selection of employees in the company. They help to assess how successful the work of acquiring and retaining talented personnel is.
The study of personnel retention is an important task of the HR analyst in order to determine the main reasons for personnel turnover and develop an effective talent retention policy. Measuring the effectiveness of remote work organization is important in the context of changes in
organizational work models. By comparing the results of the work of employees, it is possible to find out the main criteria that must be met by the work organization in order to ensure the maximization of the
work of the staff. Analyzing staff training and development processes is important to ensure sustainable company growth and support employee skills.
Goal. To substantiate the main tasks of HR-analytics capabilities in the implementation of current personnel management tasks. The conditions of digitization of the economy create new challenges for personnel management, and the formation of an effective HR analytical system becomes a key element of a modern enterprise. This system is determined by the need to quickly obtain and analyze personnel information for making informed decisions.
Full Text:
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