Spread of Socially Dangerous Diseases in Ukraine During COVID-19 and War



Introduction. It has been determined that Ukraine has faced serious challenges in recent years that negatively impact the physical, social, and psychological health of the population. The COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war have significantly increased the risk of spreading socially dangerous diseases, creating a complex situation that requires immediate and comprehensive measures to preserve and restore the health of Ukrainians.
Objective. To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war on the spread of socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine to develop effective solutions in the medical, social, and demographic spheres.
Research Methods. The study utilized data from statistical reports, national databases, and scientific publications. The research was conducted using statistical and comparative analysis methods.
Results. The study focused on the following aspects: 1) Direct impact on morbidity levels: an increase in COVID-19 cases, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, with increased strain on the healthcare system; a decrease in visits to medical facilities due to fear of infection and system overload; negative impacts on access to medical care due to the destruction and damage of healthcare facilities, particularly in combat zones; increased risk of spreading infectious diseases due to overcrowded shelters and deteriorating hygiene conditions; 2) Impact of socio-economic determinants: increased poverty levels and inequality in access to essential services; worsening psychological state of the population due to social disorientation and loss of livelihoods; increased burden on the healthcare system due to internally displaced persons; 3) Impact on the spread of specific diseases: an increase in tuberculosis cases, particularly in areas with limited access to medical care; decreased HIV diagnosis rates due to shifting priorities in the healthcare system.
Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war in Ukraine have a devastating impact on the health and well-being of the population. The analysis indicates the need for a comprehensive approach to restoring the healthcare system and ensuring access to medical care for all population groups; providing psychological support and social assistance to those affected by the war and the pandemic; conducting preventive measures and implementing programs to improve public health and promote a healthy lifestyle.


COVID-19; war; morbidity; public health; medical care; socially dangerous diseases; demographic risks

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/rarrpsu2023.28.158


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