

 The journal “Regional aspects of productive forces development of Ukraine” is published at the authors’ expense.

Payment of the organizational expenses of the editorial board (reviewing articles, preparing and printing original layouts, working with literary and technical editors, postage and transportation costs, obtaining a digital identifier, indexing in databases, Internet provider services, etc.) is carried out after the article is accepted for printing . Payment for publication of an article designed in accordance with the magazine's requirements − 70 UAH for one text page. One copy of the journal is sent to the address of the author of the article, with whom the editor maintains contact.


Publication fees or opt-out status do not influence editorial decisions, and the editorial office is guided by this principle in practice.

 Publisher. Publishing and Printing Center “Universitska Dumka”, str. Lvivska, 11, Ternopil, Ukraine, tel. (0352) 47 58 72, West Ukrainian National University