Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Taking into account the ethical norms and privacy policy, the editors of the journal “Regional aspects of productive forces development of Ukraine” use the information received from the authors who submit articles for publication only to fill in the technical parameters when posting data on the journal's website (except for publicly available data, which are published as data about the authors in the paper version of the journal and displayed in PDF pages on the website). Therefore, any manuscripts and additional materials received from the authors will be treated as confidential documents that cannot be shown to or discussed with a third party.

 Questions related to the receipt of the manuscript, its current status, critical comments of the reviewers, and the final decision regarding publication in the issue of the journal belong to the scope of discussion of the authors and reviewers only.

Ensuring confidentiality in the journal “Regional aspects of productive forces development of Ukraine” is carried out on the basis of the use of the principle of Double-blind review (two-way anonymous review): the personal data of the author/authors are not disclosed to the reviewer; the personal data of the reviewer are not disclosed to the author/authors.

The reviewers are aware that the manuscripts accepted for consideration are the intellectual property of the authors. Public discussion of works submitted for publication, as well as appropriation of ideas or text of these works, is prohibited for reviewers and members of the journal's editorial board. Reviewers should not make copies of manuscripts on any media or transfer manuscripts to third parties. Copies of manuscripts submitted to them for review must be returned or destroyed after review. Reviewer comments may not be published or made public without the permission of the reviewer, author, and editor.

The editors do not keep copies of manuscripts rejected by reviewers.

The privacy policy fully applies to reviewers' identities − reviewers' identities must not be disclosed to the author or anyone else without the reviewers' personal permission.