Requirements for articles

Requirements for articles

Basic requirements for the preparation and design of materials:

  1. UDC index (on the left in capital letters, bold font).

Items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are presented in two languages (Ukrainian, English).

  1. JEL classification codes (placed under keywords, the number is from 1 to 5, in one line, separated by a comma, in bold. For example: JEL classification: C12, C14, C18).
  2. DOI (this code is assigned by the editorial board after the article is recommended for publication).
  3. Author (on the right, the full name and surname of the author are indicated in light italics, the surname is in capital letters).
  4. Information about the author (authors) in Ukrainian and English (surname, first name, patronymic in the nominative case, information about academic degree and academic title (without abbreviations), position and place of work of the author (completely without abbreviations), detailed contact work address with postal code, country name, email address, ORCID ID.
  5. The title of the article (in the center, in capital letters, the font is kegel 16).

 Bibliographic descriptions for citation in Ukrainian and English

  1. Abstract in Ukrainian and English, in italics from the paragraph; with a volume of at least 1800 characters, including keywords. It should reflect: introduction, purpose and research methods, results and conclusions. In the text of the abstract, you should use significant words from the text of the article. The provisions set forth must logically flow from each other. The text of the abstract should be concise and clear, free from secondary information, unnecessary introductory words, general and minor wording).
  2. Key words (in italics from the paragraph, at least five words or phrases separated by the sign " ; " (semicolon)). Keywords should not repeat the title of the article.
  3. Formulas: , fig.: , table: , bibl.: . (specify the number of formulas, figures, tables, bibliographic sources).

Formulas: , fig.: , tabl.: , bibl.: . (specify the number of formulas, figures, tables, bibliographic sources).

  1. Text:

Text in a structured form with the selection of the following elements (semi-bold italics from the paragraph):

10.1. Introduction, which contains: a general statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies (with references in the text to the sources used), identification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted, relevance of the problem.

10.2. The purpose and objectives of the article.

10.3. An outline of the main material of the research with an indication of the methods and a full justification of the obtained scientific results.

  10.4. Conclusions and prospects for further exploration in this direction.

10.5 The list of used sources is submitted after the text of the article under the heading “Literature” (in italics, kegel 14, with 1 space), in the original language in accordance with the established requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 (with changes and additions)) and "References" in English (designed according to the international bibliographic standard APA)) (

One should transliterate one's own names, surnames, and first names in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 2010 No. 55 “On regulating the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin” ( -p). If the article has a DOI code, it must be noted. For example: Ivaniv, S.M., Petriv, Yu. S. (2017). Oblikova polityka v Ukraini [Accounting policy in Ukraine]. Ternopil: VPC “Ekonomichna dumka” [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.25164/2219-2568-2017-5(76)-3-12. The number of sources is at least 12, the numbering of sources is carried out in the order of reference to them.

References to the literature in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [5, p. 120; 7, p. 94-95], where the first number indicates the serial number of the source in the bibliography, and the second - the corresponding page in this source; a source (with a page) is separated from another by a semicolon (;).

The articles submitted in English according to the rules for creating references to the sources used and the list of references are given below.

10.6. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the terms, surnames, data, quotations, statistical materials, etc. given in the article. Abbreviations of words and phrases, other than generally accepted ones, are not allowed.

It is absolutely necessary to indicate that the material is submitted for publication for the first time and has not been previously published, as well as that the material of the article contains the results of the author's own research. The use of ideas, results and texts of other authors must be accompanied by a link to the appropriate source.

Materials that do not meet the specified requirements will not be accepted for consideration. Manuscripts of articles are subject to additional editorial review. The rejected original is not returned to the author, only a review is sent for revision.

 Technical requirements for the design of the article:

The page format is A4.

Empty lines, hyphens, hyphens, pseudo-graphic elements and other non-text symbols are not allowed in the text.

The length of the article is at least 12 printed pages.

Margins on the left, bottom and top are 20 mm, on the right are 10 mm.

Font – Times New Roman (point 14), line spacing – 1.5.

Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.

The amount of tabular material and illustrations should be appropriate. Digital material is presented in a table with a serial number (for example, Table 1.) and a title (printed above the table in the middle). Illustrations should also be numbered and have titles that appear below each illustration (eg, Fig. 2).

Formulas are executed using the built-in MS Equation formula editor in italics and numbered on the right side.

Drawings made in MS Word must be grouped; they must be a single graphic object.

Tables and figures are printed by the built-in Microsoft Word editor and placed in the middle.

When typing, you should turn off automatic “soft” hyphenation (“forced” hyphenation is prohibited - using a hyphen). Mark paragraphs only with the "Enter" key, do not use spaces or tabs ("Tab" key).

All statistical data must be supported by references to sources.

All citations must end with references to sources.

References to textbooks and popular science literature are undesirable.

Titles of works in the list of used sources are arranged in the order of citation or in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author (for articles in English).

Abbreviations of words and phrases, other than generally accepted ones, are not allowed.

Rules for creating links to used sources and the list of references for articles submitted in English:

  1. References to used literature sources in the main text of the article

(a) When referring to a source in the main text of the article, the name of the author and the year of publication should be indicated in parentheses, for example:

     Since the decentralized flexibility is associated with automatic stabilizers rather than the discretionary policy displacements, it would not be the threat to the stability of the Monetary Union (Marin, 2002).

If the author considers it necessary to indicate specific pages of the work to which he refers, then the reference should be made as follows:

Since the decentralized flexibility is associated with automatic stabilizers rather than the discretionary policy displacements, it would not be the threat to the stability of the Monetary Union (Marin, 2002, pp. 15–18).

At the same time, the final list of references includes a full reference to the author's work:

Marin, J. (2002). Sustainability of public finance and automatic stabilization under a rule of budgetary discipline (No. 193). ECB Working Paper.

(b) In the event that the author refers to a document that has two authors, the names of both authors and the year of publication should be given in parentheses:

<...> from the standpoint of determining the criteria of the "ideal" fiscal rules according to G. Kopits and S. Symansky (Kopits and Symansky, 1998) the PSG has much room for improvement.

  1. In case the author refers to a document with more than two authors, the reference should be made as follows:

(a) When mentioning a work in the text for the first time, the names of all authors and the year of publication should be given in parentheses:

According to the new EU model of fiscal rules most countries should begin the process of fiscal correction of fiscal policy, and some of them for a long time will have to maintain a primary surplus to achieve medium-term fiscal targets (Barnes, Davidsson and Rawdonowicz , 2012).

     (b) in the case of repeated citations in the text, the surname of the first author with the addition “et al.” should be given in parentheses. and year of publication:

According to the new EU model of fiscal rules, most countries should begin the process of fiscal correction of fiscal policy, and some of them for a long time will have to maintain a primary surplus to achieve medium-term fiscal targets (Barnes et al., 2012).

  1. If the author refers to a document authored by an organization, the name of the organization and the year of publication should be indicated in parentheses:

A diverse investor base, reflecting different investor characteristics in terms of risk tolerance and trading motives, may increase the liquidity of government debt securities in the secondary market (World Bank and IMF, 2001).

  1. If the author refers to a document in which there is no author, the name of the document and the year should be indicated in parentheses:

Meeting the fiscal discipline in member countries is expected through challenging macroeconomic and structural reforms, the most severe part of which is <...> (EC Survey, 2011, pp. 1–13; Public Finance in EMU, 2010, pp. 73 –80; National Fiscal Frameworks, 2010, p. 98).

  1. If the author refers to an article in a newspaper or magazine, in which the author's last name is not indicated, the name of the periodical and the year of publication should be indicated:

Labor costs in Chinese industrial enterprises in dollar terms have been increasing annually during 2002–2009, in particular, in Guangdong province – by 12%, and in Shanghai – by 14% (The Economist, 2012, p.75).

  1. If the author refers to the work of a Ukrainian or other author(s), which was published in a language other than English, all the above rules should be followed:

The uniformity of response to recession by expansion of the budget deficit is more distinct than symmetry in the response of surplus to economic growth (Kozyuk, 2006, pp. 57–67)

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the titles of works that were published in Ukrainian or Russian should be translated into English and issued in accordance with the general rules for creating a bibliography.

Rules for creating a list of used sources:

  1. Literature sources in the list should be listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author, for example:
  2. Alper, E., Forni, L. (2011). Public debt in advanced economies and its spillover effects on long-term yields (WP/11/210). IMF Working Paper, pp. 1-24.
  3. Cecchetti S., Mohantry M., Zampolli F. (2011, August 25-27). The real effects of debt. Symposium for Achieving Maximum Long-Run Growth Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1-33.
  4. Eichengreen, B., Feldman, R., Leibman, J., Wyplosz, Ch. (2011). Public debts: nuts, bolts and worries. Geneva Reports on the World Economy, 13.
  5. IMF. (2012, October). The good, the bad, and the ugly: 100 years of dealing with public debt overhangs. In: IMF World Economic Outlook (pp. 1-34). Wash. (D.C.), IMF.


  1. If the author refers to several works of the same author, the references should be ordered by the date of publication from the oldest to the newest:

Reinhart, C., Reinhart, V., & Rogoff, K. (2010). Growth in a time of debt. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 100 (2), 573-578.

Reinhart, C., Reinhart, V. & Rogoff, K. (2012). Public debt overhangs: advanced economy episodes since 1800. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26 (3), 69-86.


  1. The year of publication should be indicated after the author's last name:

Marin, J. (2002). Sustainability of public finance and automatic stabilization under a rule of budgetary discipline (No. 193). ECB Working Paper, pp. 5-6.

IMF. (2012, October). The good, the bad, and the ugly: 100 years of dealing with public debt overhangs. In: IMF World Economic Outlook (pp. 1-34). Wash. (D.C.), IMF.


  1. If the author refers to the document as a whole, it is not necessary to indicate the total number of pages in the work:

Marin, J. (2002). Sustainability of public finance and automatic stabilization under a rule of budgetary discipline (No. 193). ECB Working Paper.

If the author refers to a specific place in the work, the pages must be indicated:

Marin, J. (2002). Sustainability of public finance and automatic stabilization under a rule of budgetary discipline (No. 193). ECB Working Paper, pp. 5-6.


  1. If the author refers to a book by a Ukrainian or Russian author, the title of the book and the place of publication should be translated into English. In addition, the original language of the publication should be indicated in brackets):

Kozyuk, V. (2005). Monetary problems of global financial architecture functioning. Ternopil, Aston (in Ukrainian).

Note that the title of the book should be italicized.

  1. When referring to an article by a Ukrainian or Russian author, the title of the article should be translated into English, while the title of the periodical should be transliterated. The original language should be indicated in brackets:

Kozyuk, V. (2006). Fiscal policy in the European monetary union: the problems of automatic stabilization and convergence. Finansy Ukrainy, 6, 57-67 (in Ukrainian).

Zadoya, A. (2012). "New industrialisation" in the strategy of leading catch-up. Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannya ekonomiky, 1 (27), 21–29 (in Ukrainian).

Note that when citing sources published in periodicals, the year of publication is given after the author's last name, while the volume, issue number, and page number are given after the title of the periodical. It is not necessary to write "pp." before the pages.