

The article considers human capital as one of the main factors of the company, the basis for the development of a business plan, software development of a company, division of labour. Under the current economic conditions we observe the transformation of the human capital factor in the development of the enterprise, while studying which it is important not only to know the origin and formation of the concept of human capital but also its correct use.
Human capital is essential for economic growth. However, according to the studies of Western scholars in recent decades the share and role of human capital is constantly increasing and as a result it becomes a major factor of economic growth at all levels. "Human capital is the most valuable resource, far more important than natural resources or accumulated wealth ... It is the human capital itself, not plants, equipment and inventories that is the cornerstone of competitiveness, economic growth and efficiency."
Human capital is created and accumulated through investments, which require significant financial expenditures of the investor. This human capital is formed mainly as a result of certain investments in people. Among various types of investments it can be noted: education, training in the workplace, health promotion and health care, migration and the search for information as well. Ultimately it is accumulated economic capabilities of people enable to get more revenue.
Based on the research it has been given the guidelines for determining and optimizing of human capital investments in human capital to ensure social andeconomic development.



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How to Cite

“EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS OF HUMAN CAPITAL INVESTIGATION”. Regional Aspects of Productive Forces Development of Ukraine, no. 21, June 2020, pp. 63-66, http://rarrpsu.wunu.edu.ua/index.php/rapfdu/article/view/293.