Eugene KACHAN, Anatoly KOSHIL, Roman KOSHIL


Introduction. As a result of territorial decentralization in Ukraine, the number of administrative districts was reduced and the territorial communities were created. 55 territorial communities were
created in Ternopil region, including 18 urban, 16 amalgamated and 21 rural communities. The current network of territorial communities in the region does not meet the principles declared in the Law of
Ukraine “On the Formation of United Territorial Communities”. Presently, territorial communities differ significantly among themselves in terms of the number of settlements, the population and the size of the
territory. The analysis of the relative indicators that characterize communities shows significant differences between communities in terms of the amount of land secured residents and labor potential,
and hence the economic capacity of individual communities.
The current legislation regarding the development of education, health care, social sphere and especially road construction does not always correspond to the interests of individual communities.
The purpose of the study is the need to study the micro-regional resource potential of newly created administrative entities - territorial communities in order to substantiate their economic development based on their own resource potential.
The results. The study has proved that the territorial communities created in the region were formed without proper justification of their economic capacity and, above all, without taking into account their resource potential. Thus, almost half of the population centers of the region, in which two thirds of its population live, are concentrated in urban territorial communities. Separate urban territorial communities were created within the former rural administrative districts. Rural territorial communities
occupy only 24% of the region area and almost 14% of the region population live there, and their specific gravity in the structure of territorial communities is 40%. There are significant differences in the density
of the rural population across territorial communities. Thus, there are almost 43 inhabitants in rural communities per 100 hectares of territory, 60 ones in amalgamated communities, and 34 inhabitants in
urban communities. Since the past, Ternopil oblast was considered to be agricultural and industrial region. Nowadays, rural territorial communities are purely agrarian micro-regions. Modern specialization of agrarian companies does not require significant resources of live labor, therefore the labor potential of rural settlements is used partially, that is, seasonally. This especially applies to the labor resources of settlement territorial communities. In order to increase the efficiency of the available
resource potential use in rural and amalgamated territorial communities and to prevent the processes leading to the reduction of the population of territorial communities, it is necessary to pay maximum
attention to the creation of new jobs and the development of rural infrastructure.

Conclusion. The conclusions provide proposals and recommendations for improving the activities of the executive bodies of territorial communities in relation to the rational use of land resources and the effective use and reproduction of the labor potential of territorial communities, especially rural ones.


resource potential; labor potential; demo-economic potential; land security of territorial communities; decentralization; reforms

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