
Introduction. The process of improving the formation of the enterprise’s development strategy on  the basis of benchmarking have been studied, as the means that allows national enterprises to prepare for
future challenges and opportunities.
Goal. Research on benchmarking as an effective progressive tool to form an effective strategy of a national enterprise is a goal. To achieve the outlined goal, the following tasks were defined: to investigate
the essence of the strategy and its role in increasing the competitiveness of a national enterprise; to study the essence of benchmarking as a progressive technology for increasing the efficiency of national
enterprises; to outline the main methodical steps of applying strategic benchmarking as a tool to improve the company's development strategy.
Methods. The methods of systematic, comparative, structural analysis and generalization are used.
Results. The essence of the concept of «enterprise strategy» has been studied, and its role in  increasing its own competitiveness has been determined. The use of benchmarking as an important tool to
build an effective strategy for the development of national enterprises is substantiated. The essence of this method is defined, which envisages comparing and analyzing the activities, productivity, processes and
results of the organization which has obtained the best practices, standards and achievements of wellknown market players or well-known leaders in the relevant industry.
The main methodical steps of applying strategic benchmarking as a tool to improve the company's development strategy are outlined. Thus, first it is necessary to assess how the organization defines its strategic priorities and how they are implemented. The next step in this type of benchmarking is to find and study best strategic practices in other organizations that can be applied to achieve the strategic goals
of a particular enterprise. Next, it is advisable to make a choice of innovative and successful strategic approaches and adapt them to the existing conditions of activity, and then integrate them into your own
strategy. The proposed strategic benchmarking algorithm can significantly help national enterprises to prepare for future challenges and opportunities.
Conclusions. The main provisions of the scientific article will contribute to the formation of an effective strategy for the development of national enterprises.


management; strategy; benchmarking; strategy formation methods; efficiency

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