The main categories of human labor are outlined and it is found out that it is the basis of the formation of intellectual rent. The mathematical calculation of the amount of intellectual rent is proposed. We studied all kinds of rent and it was established that in the domestic practice there is no corresponding accounting mechanism. Considered the additional income received by economic entities from intangible resources. It is proposed to consider intellectual rent as a component of economic (unnatural) rent and it is established that attention should be paid to the sources of its occurrence, the peculiarities of formation and distribution. The intellectual rent at the micro level was studied, which enabled to develop a reverse-differentiated model of intellectual development of intellectual rent. The ways of obtaining intellectual rent at the macroeconomic level have been investigated and it has been established that to maximize it it is necessary to win monopolistic positions. The generalization of the need for a social rethinking of expediency of using natural resources by outdated methods and increasing the use of innovations to increase incomes is generalized.
intellectual rent; monopoly intellectual rent; reverse-differentiated model; inductive-deductive model
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