Academic integrity, academic dishonesty, plagiarism, SAIUP, scientific text repository, UnicheckAbstract
Introduction. The economic progress of any country or region is always scientifically based. Science itself creates the tools for technological, economic and social development, however, in the context of the global problem of mass “pseudo scientific” research and “pseudo study” the specified causal relationships are unimplemented, which leads to distortion of the educational system. One of the major reasons for this is the process of violating the standards of academic integrity, and sometimes their misunderstanding also.The social aspect of academic integrity is very important. Understanding one’s own responsibility (or irresponsibility) for violating the standards of scientific ethics from the point of teachers and students directly determines the perception of the higher education system in Ukraine. It also determines formation the system of values that is formed in youth during studying in educational institutions. Purpose. The aim of the article is to investigate the special aspects of implementation the principles of academic integrity in Ukraine, their comparison with the European ones, and further proposals development on minimizing academic dishonesty. Research methods. Generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison. Results. The legal aspect of academic integrity in Ukrainian law and its difference with the standards defined in the SAIUP project have been investigated. The directions of increasing the level of academic integrity among students are determined. The problem of plagiarism in the educational and scientific environment was investigated and the prospects of integration of the Unicheck platform and the national scientific texts repository are outlined. The approaches for understanding plagiarism with the international turnitin platform are described. A list of plagiarism checking resources is grouped. The responsibility for the proven facts of plagiarism is signified. Conclusions. Using the article-based tools to promote academic integrity will increase the confidence in Ukrainian academic science in general and will increase economic security level in particular higher education institutions.
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