uncertainty, entrepreneurial risk, economic risk, risk situation, risk assessmentAbstract
The content of uncertainty of environment functioning of the enterprise is determined. Proved that uncertainty - inferiority or inaccuracy of information about the conditions implementation of projects or programs that are developed at the enterprise, including the related costs and results. Substantiated that the uncertainty associated with the possibility of occurrence during the implementation of a specific project the unfavorable situations and effects, characterized by economic risk and in need of its assessment.Causes uncertainty and risk are characterized. Proved that the main causes of uncertainty are the indeterminacy of the processes in the enterprise and in economic life; lack of complete information; subjective factors influence on the results of the analysis (skill level of workers, which conducts an analysis, etc.); instability of market economic system.
Scientific approaches to the concept of the category of "risk" and "risk situation" are generalized. The main features of risk: inconsistency, alternativity, uncertainty are determined. Conditions for occurrence of economic risk are substantiated. Proved that the economic risk is a certain maturity in the economy and possible only if there is a possibility of active management and regulation of economy.
Causes of entrepreneurial risk for small and medium entrepreneurship of Ternopil region are outlined. Namely lack of proper regulation political crisis in the country and the aggravation of the military-political conflict in the east of Ukraine; contradictory policies in entrepreneurial climate and regulatory environment for small and medium entrepreneurship in particular; Ternopil region lagging from other regions of Ukraine regarding the socio-economic transformation; strengthening migration processes, resulting in loss of human potential of the region.
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