
Introduction. Rapid changes affecting social development determine the direction of development of economic assets, enterprises and organizations that must function under such conditions. Adaptation of
human resource management, and recruitment and selection of personnel as one of its areas, to the latest challenges and opportunities becomes a key management factor. Modern trends in HR management, like
many other areas, cannot be separated from the use of digital technologies, social networks and Internet opportunities. The study and implementation of the latter in the practice of human resources
management, in particular personnel recruitment, is critically important for achieving business goals, achieving competitive advantages and forming engaged and loyal personnel of organizations. The theoretical generalization and coverage of modern trends in the field of personnel recruiting is becoming more and more relevant, taking into account the demand for quickly finding candidates of the required quality, forming stable teams (under conditions of an unstable external situation), the possibility of remote employment and outsourcing activities.
Goal. The purpose of this study is to review and theoretically generalize modern world trends in the field of recruiting and hiring personnel, to study the possibilities of their implementation under modern conditions and the challenges associated with this.
Research methods. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the methods of comparative analysis, abstract-logical generalization were used.
Results. The problems faced by the market of recruiting services in Ukraine under modern conditions are identified. The peculiarities of employment and the search for candidates in the sharing economy and the impact of the gig economy have been studied. Peculiarities of online recruiting, recruiting in social networks in Ukraine and the world, the possibility of using such technologies as creating your own mobile career sites (or special applications), implementing software for tracking
applicants, technologies of robotic automation of processes, applying methods of personnel selection using methods with artificial intelligence, video interview and video resume, virtual and augmented reality, behavioral forecasting, HR analytics, employee referral programs, recruiting and employer  branding, etc have been studied. The advantages and threats of applying personnel selection methods with the help of methods with artificial intelligence are presented, foreign experience in this field and suggestions of scientists regarding possible and appropriate areas of implementation of digital technologies in the personnel selection process are studied.
Conclusions. The use of cloud technologies, robotic and automated systems, artificial intelligence technology, virtual reality, online platforms, social networks and other means is part of the daily routine of any activity, including the search and attraction of candidates for vacant jobs. Without the knowledge and ability to use modern tools and technologies, it is difficult to gain an advantage in the competition for talent and competent personnel. The study of modern trends in recruiting allows us to generalize the current global practical experience in this field.


personnel recruitment; digital technologies in personnel recruitment; artificial intelligence; human resources management; personnel

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