Halyna BABIAK, Nataliya KOTYS


The article is devoted to the problems of the manager's activities with personnel as the basis of conflict prevention in the organization (on the example of LLC SPA "Perlyna Podillya").

Goal. The study of modern trends in the manager's work with personnel as a basis for the prevention of conflicts in the organization, as well as the development of recommendations and substantiation of directions to improve personnel work.

 The results.  It is stated that the current stage of social and economic development is characterized by the maximum commercialization of social relations, formed under the influence of the market economy and fierce competition, reinforced by periodically occurring crisis phenomena, which exacerbates conflicts and creates conflict situations.

The authors emphasize that personnel policy in the organization as a tool for managing it and conflicts makes it possible to create a competitive policy if there is high-quality personnel potential.

The article states that today the LLC pays considerable attention to the study and diagnosis of conflicts. Personnel policy is always aimed at work with the personnel in conflict situations.

The analysis of personnel work and personnel policy was carried out in the context of prevention and resolution of conflict situations in the conditions of the latest challenges.

The article emphasizes the global experience of conflict resolution. It confidently shows that based on the achievements of joint decisions and coordination  of interests, any conflict situations and problems of organizational life at the LLC can be resolved.

The recommendations for improving the personnel policy of the LLC, aimed at conflict prevention, have been developed. And it, in turn, should minimize the possibility of conflict situations at the enterprise.


personnel work, personnel policy, personnel management, conflict, conflict situation, conflict prevention

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